Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Phoenix-Like Words

I am really trying to hop on the motivation train today to ensure I can get the massive stacks of papers graded by D-Day: January 4, 2010, the day I have to go back to teaching after this magnificent break. So, in order to fulfill both my desire to write and my need to get to some "real" work done, I am only going to allow myself to write a haiku today.

Phoenix-Like Words

Writing engulfs me;
dancing fire that consumes the
parched fields of my mind.

Initial spark lites;
swift and final, it cleanses
leaving room for growth.

Now, the seedlings call
from under the spent ground for
water to renew.

My feelings are words,
transformed into the ashes
which nurture my soul.


  1. Yeah! Short post! Just for the record, I like short posts the best!

    Your semi-literate bro!

  2. I figured you might like this one! :) You are fully-literate, you just don't like to read a lot--big difference! :)

    With just 3 more syllables, you even had a haiku in the first part of your comment!
